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Food Back
Nuts and seeds


Various in-shell, shelled or coated nuts & seeds (peanuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews, pistachio nuts, macadamia nuts, walnuts, etc.)

Dual-plenum dryer, roaster & cooler

The dual chamber is versatile with high processing capacity.

Dual plenum roaster simplifies allergen cleaning with a host of sanitation features including full welds, complete interior access, and the elimination of debris collection points. The uniformity of heat and airflow distribution from the dual plenum design eliminates the need for diffuser plates. These features also reduce cleaning time and fire hazard. A unique airflow system provides uniform heat and air delivery, resulting in superior product quality, color and moisture content.

Roasters are designed for easy installation. Each unit is assembled and tested prior to shipping, minimizing field adjustments. Delivery is made in large, fully welded, pre-assembled modules. This allows the fastest possible installation with reduced field connection points.


Superior airflow system

◆Uniform air velocity and temperature distribution-without diffuser plates

◆Easily reversible airflow direction

◆Uniform heating via symmetrical fan positioning

◆Top mounted fans and burners away from floor wash-down areas

Designed for high sanitation

◆100% fully welded structure,  floors and floor drains

◆Complete interior access to bed, plenums and burner compartment

◆Elimination of debris collection areas:

- No diffuser plates to remove and clean

- Flanged roller chain with on-edge flat bar track

- Critical area “air- sweeping design”

Heavy duty construction

◆Heaviest gauge frame and bedplates in the industry modular construction

◆Fully assembled and tested at the factory

◆Ships in large modules

◆Fastest installation and start-up possible


◆Multiple feeder styles to suit the product

◆All stainless steel construc- tion, or product contact surfaces only

◆Pickers for coated products

◆Simple-pass, dual-passsimple-plenum, dual-plenumsimple-stage, multiple-stage

Technical Parameters
